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By W. G. S. D. Wijesinghe, Jadetimes News

Kamala Harris Team Emphasizes Steadfast Leadership Amidst Biden Replacement Speculations
Image Source : Andrew Harnik

Vice President Kamala Harris team is firmly dismissing suggestions that she should replace President Joe Biden on the 2024 ticket. This comes amidst increasing calls for Biden to step aside and polling data showing Harris performing better than Biden in a hypothetical race against Donald Trump. Harris campaign staff have been instructed to remain aligned with Biden and maintain focus on the Biden , Harris ticket.

During a virtual staff meeting on Monday, Harris team received clear directives to follow the Vice President's lead and concentrate on the current administration's goals. This internal mandate reflects Harris public stance, as she reiterated her support for Biden during a CBS interview, stating, “Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once and we’re going to beat him again period.”

Kamala Harris Team Emphasizes Steadfast Leadership Amidst Biden Replacement Speculations
Image Source : Andrew Harnik

Polling and Public Sentiment

A recent indicated a close hypothetical matchup between Harris and Trump, with Harris trailing by a narrow margin within the poll's error range. Despite this, Harris has publicly reaffirmed her loyalty to Biden, emphasizing their joint achievements and future plans.

Political Endorsements

Former Democratic Representative Tim Ryan has voiced his support for Harris replacing Biden, highlighting her integral role in the administration and her potential to energize the Democratic base. He believes Harris can more effectively communicate the administration's successes, which he considers vital for the upcoming election.

Kamala Harris Team Emphasizes Steadfast Leadership Amidst Biden Replacement Speculations
Image Source : MANDEL NGAN

Campaign Strategy

In response to the debate fallout, Harris staff contacted Democratic officials to reinforce Biden’s accomplishments and call for unity. Harris close associates maintain that her public endorsements of Biden reflect her genuine stance and commitment.

Biden and Harris continue to work closely, with scheduled meetings and ongoing conversations reaffirming their partnership. Harris unwavering support for Biden is a cornerstone of their campaign strategy, aimed at presenting a united front to voters.

By D. W .G. Kalani Tharanga, JadeTimes News

Viktor Orban's Unannounced Visit to Ukraine: A New Chapter in EU Leadership
Image Source : Reuters

A Surprising Diplomatic Move, Orban's Visit to Kyiv

On Tuesday, Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister and newly appointed rotating president of the European Union, made an unexpected visit to Ukraine. This marked Orban’s first trip to the country in 12 years, despite his frequent meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin during that period. While in Kyiv, Orban emphasized the potential of a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine to accelerate peace negotiations, a stance consistent with his previous critiques of Western support for Ukraine.

During a joint appearance with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the body language was notably reserved, and neither leader entertained questions from the press. Orban’s visit is particularly significant as it comes on the heels of his prior resistance to a €50bn EU aid package intended to bolster Ukraine’s defense against Russia. Now, as the head of the European Council, Orban's role as a key figurehead for Europe grants him substantial influence. He acknowledged the need to resolve past disagreements and focus on the future, underscoring the importance of European unity and mutual cooperation.

Calls for Peace and Complex Diplomatic Relations

In his statement, President Zelensky stressed the importance of sustained European support for Ukraine and meaningful cooperation among European neighbors. Meanwhile, Orban reiterated the necessity of collaborative efforts and introduced the concept of a swift ceasefire to facilitate peace talks with Russia. "I have asked the president to consider whether... a quick ceasefire could be used to speed up peace negotiations," Orban said, appreciating Zelensky’s openness during their discussions. He highlighted the broader European security implications of the ongoing conflict, stating, "This war that you are suffering is deeply impacting European security."

President Zelensky did not publicly respond to Orban’s ceasefire proposal. However, in a subsequent post on social media platform X, Zelensky acknowledged Orban’s visit as a crucial signal of European unity and collective action. Many Ukrainians, however, view a ceasefire as potentially solidifying Russia's territorial gains, preferring negotiations from a position of strength. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba expressed a willingness to work with all parties to address challenges, emphasizing the long term benefits of such efforts. The leaders also discussed the situation of the 100,000 ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine, with Orban expressing optimism about progress on their rights and extending his best wishes to Ukraine. As Ukraine embarks on EU membership talks, Orban’s visit underscores the complex dynamics of European diplomacy and the ongoing quest for a just and lasting peace in the region.

By D. W. G. Kalani Tharanga, JadeTimes News

Bussana Vecchia: From Ruins to an Artistic Haven
Image Source : Catherine Bennett

Rebirth from Ruins, The Artists's Resurgence

In the rain soaked medieval village of Bussana Vecchia, the silence of narrow, cobblestone streets is occasionally interrupted by the warm light from workshop windows. Here, artisans like Nina Franco, a puppet maker dressed in paint spotted overalls, have transformed ruins into creative sanctuaries. Franco, a recent addition to the community, shares her space with felt hand puppets and varnished wooden marionettes. Despite the unfinished parts of her home, she embodies the village's spirit of self reliance and artistic revival.

This once abandoned hilltop settlement, devastated by an earthquake in 1887, began its journey of rebirth in the late 1950s. Mario Giani, a ceramist from Turin, envisioned Bussana Vecchia as an artists's commune. His idea attracted creatives from all over Europe, drawn by the freedom to rebuild homes and create art amidst the rubble. Long time resident Erminia Pascucci recalls the early days of living without modern conveniences, enchanted by the simplicity and raw beauty of the place. Today, the village, with its mosaics, street art, and sculptures, stands as a testament to this vibrant artistic legacy.

The Struggle for Survival, Eviction Threats and Community Resilience

Despite its transformation into a beloved tourist spot, Bussana Vecchia faces an uncertain future. In 2017, residents received eviction notices, deeming them illegal squatters. This sparked a community response, leading to the formation of a collective known as I Resilienti. Their goal is to gain recognition as rightful owners of the homes they've painstakingly rebuilt.

The local authorities plans to auction off the houses or impose fines have been met with resistance. Residents like Pascucci express frustration over the contradictory stance of promoting Bussana Vecchia as an artistic gem while simultaneously threatening its unique character. The regional mayor's vision of turning the village into a "jewel" has raised fears among locals that commercialization will strip Bussana Vecchia of its bohemian essence.

Negotiations between the residents and authorities have been prolonged and contentious. While some villagers seek full property rights, others are content with a concession allowing them to stay in exchange for a nominal rent. Amidst this legal and bureaucratic battle, the community remains united in preserving the intangible spirit of freedom and creativity that has defined Bussana Vecchia for six decades. Their determination ensures that, despite the challenges, the village's artistic heart continues to beat.

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