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Deepshikha Maan, Jadetimes Staff

D. Maan is a Jadetimes news reporter covering Asia


Hong Kong Man Sentenced to 14 Months for Wearing ‘Seditious’ T Shirt

First Conviction Under New National Security Law Draws Criticism from Rights Groups

A 27 year old Hong Kong man, Chu Kai pong, has been sentenced to 14 months in prison after pleading guilty to sedition charges for wearing a T shirt featuring a protest slogan. The sentence marks the first case under a new local national security law, commonly referred to as Article 23, which was enacted in March and expands upon the existing national security law imposed by Beijing in 2020.

Arrest for Wearing Protest Slogans

Chu was arrested in June at a subway station while wearing a T shirt that read "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times," a slogan that gained widespread prominence during the 2019 anti government protests. He was also wearing a mask emblazoned with the acronym "FDNOL," standing for "Five demands, not one less," another rallying cry from the protests. Local reports suggest that Chu was also found carrying a box containing his own excrement, allegedly intended for use against those opposing his views.

Chu’s arrest took place on June 12, a symbolic date marking the anniversary of a major event in the 2019 protests, when large crowds gathered in the streets to demonstrate against the government. Chu reportedly told police that his intention in wearing the T-shirt was to remind people of the protests and their demands.

Previous Offenses and Court Hearing

This is not the first time Chu has faced legal action for similar activities. He was previously jailed for three months in a separate incident, also involving wearing a T-shirt with the same slogan and possessing offensive items.

In court, Chu pleaded guilty to one count of "doing an act with a seditious intention." Chief magistrate Victor So, who was specially appointed by the Hong Kong government to handle national security cases, delivered the ruling. In his judgment, So emphasized that Chu had shown no remorse following his previous conviction and stated that his actions were intended to “reignite the ideas behind” the 2019 protests. The severity of the sentence, So argued, was meant to reflect the seriousness of the sedition charge.

Criticism from Human Rights Organizations

The conviction and sentencing of Chu have sparked outrage among human rights advocates. Amnesty International's China director, Sarah Brooks, called the ruling "a blatant attack on the right to freedom of expression." She further urged authorities to repeal Article 23, arguing that such laws are being used to suppress dissent and erode civil liberties in the region.

The introduction of Article 23 has been met with significant concern from both local and international observers. Critics worry that the law grants the government greater power to stifle political opposition, limit free speech, and silence dissenting voices. However, Beijing and Hong Kong officials maintain that the law is essential for preserving stability and preventing threats to national security.

Growing Pattern of Sedition Cases

Chu’s sentencing follows another notable sedition case in Hong Kong last month, where two journalists from the now defunct pro democracy newspaper Stand News were found guilty of sedition. Their conviction marked the first such case targeting journalists since Hong Kong's handover from British to Chinese control in 1997.

The rising number of sedition charges, along with the increased enforcement of national security laws, signals a growing crackdown on pro democracy activism and media freedom in the city. As more cases continue to emerge, the impact of these legal measures on Hong Kong's civil liberties remains a critical point of concern for rights groups and the international community.

Deepshikha Maan, Jadetimes Staff

D. Maan is a Jadetimes news reporter covering Israil gaza war


Israeli businessman apprehended in suspected Iranian conspiracy to assassinate high ranking officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu

Israeli security services unveiled an assassination plot allegedly including Iranian involvement

Under suspicion of participation in a clandestine Iranian scheme to assassinate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other prominent Israeli figures, an Israeli citizen has been apprehended. The disclosure of this revelation was made by Israel's security services, signifying a notable intensification in the already strained relationship between Israel and Iran.

Connection of the Suspect to Iran

A joint statement released by Israeli police and internal intelligence identifies the suspect as a businessman with affiliations to Turkey, however their identity has not been revealed. It is widely suspected that he was covertly transported into Iran on two distinct occasions, purportedly receiving monetary remuneration from Iranian operatives to execute diverse assignments and operations.

The individual, who once lived in Turkey, allegedly exploited his established connections in Turkey to enable his covert journeys. The purpose of these infiltrations into Iran was to assist in the collection of intelligence and possibly carry out detrimental actions on behalf of the Iranian government.

Plot Specifics

Targeting important Israeli figures, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and the director of an undisclosed Israeli security organization, was the objective of the scheme. According to Israeli authorities, the suspect was apprehended in the previous month, however the details of the case are just now being revealed to the public.

The defendant is alleged to have orchestrated these activities under the instructions of a magnate Iranian entrepreneur identified solely as "Eddie," who is supposed to have strong connections to the Iranian government. It is claimed that Eddie, in collaboration with an Iranian security operator, assigned the Israeli citizen with the responsibility of executing missions that involved the transfer of money and weapons, as well as conducting surveillance operations within Israel.

Consultations in Turkey and illicit transportation into Iran

The official announcement details the bilateral visits of the Israeli entrepreneur to Samandag, a municipality located in southern Turkey, during the months of April and May in the current year. The purpose of these excursions was to meet Eddie, the Iranian entrepreneur. Nevertheless, Eddie encountered challenges on both occasions when endeavoring to depart Iran. Consequently, the individual in question was illicitly transported from Turkey to Iran, so facilitating his eventual encounter with Eddie and other Iranian operatives.

Eddie purportedly directed the Israeli citizen to carry out a sequence of operations aimed at aiding the Iranian government during these encounters. These operations encompassed the dispatch of funds or a weapon to operators within Israel, capturing photos of densely populated regions, and transmitting these visuals to Iranian factions. In addition, the suspect was purportedly assigned the responsibility of scaring other Israeli individuals who had previously been enlisted by Iran but had neglecting to fulfill their duties.

An increase in regional tensions

Within the context of increasing tensions between Israel and Iran, two historical foes in the Middle East, this news is made. Throughout the years, both countries have leveled allegations against one other for engaging in clandestine strikes and disrupting operations within their own territories and the broader area.

The revelation of the scheme emphasizes the seriousness of these conflicts, specifically pointing out the extreme measures Iran may take to weaken Israel's leadership and security apparatus. The Israeli authorities have laid significant emphasis on the gravity of the threat and are conducting further investigations to ascertain the complete extent of the purported scheme.

Israeli Security Implications

The detention of the Israeli entrepreneur highlights the intricate nature of Iran's intelligence activities and its efforts to infiltrate Israeli society through both overt and covert methods. Upon verification, the accusations would constitute a substantial violation of Israel's national security, particularly given the participation of a citizen collaborating with a foreign authority.

A commitment has been made by Israeli security agencies to strengthen their counterintelligence operations and maintain a state of alertness against any future endeavors by Iran or other adversarial entities to undermine the leadership of the nation. This particular occurrence also gives rise to apprehensions over the safety of influential individuals within Israel and underscores the continuous conflict between the two countries, both openly and clandestinely.

Current Analysis

The Israeli authorities are still conducting an investigation into the level of the businessman's engagement with Iranian intelligence and whether there are other persons directly involved in the conspiracy. Cooperation between the suspect and Iranian operators indicates the presence of a complex network that may continually endanger Israel's security.

The matter has generated considerable interest among the political and intelligence communities as new information becomes available. The disclosure of such a complex scheme just further increases consciousness of the persistent threats presented by Iran's attempts to disrupt its regional adversaries.

Vithanage Erandi Kawshalya Madhushani Jade Times Staff

V.E.K. Madhushani is a Jadetimes news reporter covering Europe.

Husband Admits to Decade-Long Sexual Abuse of Wife in Shocking French Trial
Image Source : Laura Gozzi

Dominique Pelicot confesses to orchestrating horrific assaults, implicating dozens of accomplices in a case that has gripped France.

Dominique Pelicot, a 71 year old man accused of drugging his wife and facilitating her abuse by dozens of men over the course of more than a decade, has admitted to all charges against him. In his first testimony since the trial began on September 2, Pelicot confessed, "I am a rapist like the others in this room," implicating himself and 50 co defendants who stand accused of raping his now ex wife, Gisèle.


Pelicot told the court that all involved were aware of their actions, rejecting claims from many of the defendants who have denied rape charges. "They all knew, they cannot say the contrary," he said. Of the 50 men on trial, only 15 have admitted to rape, while others maintain they only participated in sexual acts. Pelicot, reflecting on his ex wife, said, "She did not deserve this."


Gisèle, who had been unaware of the abuse due to being drugged, described her emotional devastation in court. "It is difficult for me to listen to this," she said. "For 50 years, I lived with a man who I would've never imagined capable of this. I trusted him completely."


The case, which has shocked France, has sparked widespread outrage and ignited a national conversation around issues of marital rape, consent, and the use of chemical submission. Gisèle, who waived her right to anonymity, requested that the trial remain open to the public to shift the "shame" back onto the accused. Outside the courtroom, she was met with applause from supporters and handed a bouquet of flowers as a symbol of solidarity.


Pelicot, a father and grandfather, began his testimony by recounting traumatic childhood experiences, including sexual abuse by a male nurse when he was nine years old. He also revealed that he considered suicide after discovering Gisèle had been unfaithful. Despite his admissions of guilt, Pelicot repeatedly insisted that he "loved" his wife and did not hate her, stating, "I loved her immensely and I still do."


During questioning, Pelicot admitted that he was unable to stop his abusive behavior, even as Gisèle's health deteriorated due to the drugs he was administering. Gisèle had initially feared she was suffering from Alzheimer's or a brain tumor, unaware that the symptoms were side effects of the sedatives. Pelicot acknowledged, "I tried to stop, but my addiction was stronger. I betrayed her trust."


Pelicot also faces accusations of drugging and abusing his daughter, Caroline, after semi nude photos of her were discovered on his laptop. However, he has denied these allegations and insisted that he never harmed his grandchildren.


According to Pelicot, his perverse actions began in 2010 after meeting a male nurse online who introduced him to the idea of drugging his wife. The nurse explained how to administer the sedative and shared images of drugged women, which Pelicot claims triggered his descent into abuse.


In addition to facilitating the abuse, Pelicot filmed the assaults and shared the footage online, using it both for "pleasure" and as "insurance." Investigators used these videos to track down the 50 co defendants now on trial.


Pelicot emphasized that he never forced any of the men involved, asserting that they willingly participated. "I didn't force anyone, they came to look for me," he said. He also rejected claims that the defendants were unaware of the non consensual nature of the acts, noting that the camera setup was visible in the room.


While some of the accused have claimed they were "manipulated" into believing they were engaging in consensual acts, Pelicot was adamant that his wife was the only person he ever "manipulated."


As the trial continues, Gisèle remains a symbol of resilience, and her case has led to widespread support for victims of rape and a national reckoning over issues of consent and abuse within marriage. Pelicot’s testimony is expected to continue, with his lawyer stating that the trial will reveal the full extent of his actions.

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