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Chethana Janith, Jadetimes Staff

C. Janith is a Jadetimes news reporter covering science and geopolitics.


For some time, it has been an open secret that NATO has been, as the military says, “Effing around” in Ukraine, particularly in the form of on-site training, as well as involvement in operational planning.

Jadetimes, Russia strikes back for Kursk – retaliation begins.
Image Source : Kostiantyn Liberov/Getty Images

Until recently, the Russians have shown remarkable restraint in targeting these “helpful people”, though it appears that strikes on Ukrainian command centers have accounted for some, with “mysterious” deaths occurring from time to time, like that of Maj. Gen. William F Mullen III, who was “found dead” in building 1651 of the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twenty-nine Palms, California on Saturday 29th June, and was recently reviewing military training in Ukraine with a view to improving it. His death, however, comes suspiciously close to a Russian missile strike that devastated the Ukrainian Southern Command bunker on May 1st.

However, it seems that the Russian warnings of retaliation for the western planned and supported invasion of Kursk by Ukrainian troops are fast coming to fruition. Of particular note is the admission that the US and UK provided satellite imagery that was instrumental in the planning and execution of the invasion.

Russia seldom reacts in haste, one of the hallmarks of both Russian political and military action is taking your time and acting with deliberation, rather than the more usual knee-jerk reaction we see from the US and NATO.

Therefore, we can be sure that the strike on Poltava on 3rd September, at the Military Institute of Communications, also known as the 179th Joint Training Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was quite deliberate and that it was intended to send a very strong message.

The attack, made by two Iskander-M ballistic missiles, was swift and deadly, with survivors reporting that the sirens had barely begun to sound before the missiles hit. Casualty estimates range from 200 killed and wounded to over 500, and it is believed that a number of foreign instructors were among those killed and seriously wounded. One possible cause of the excessively high casualties is that it was reported that that strike targeted a military ceremony, possibly a graduation or passing out parade.

Video footage of grievously wounded survivors shoes the incredible power of the strike, and the wounds shown imply the majority of casualties will be total combat losses, with those surviving highly unlikely to return to service.

Of interest are the reports of the deaths of a number of Swedish instructors, who were apparently at the center to train future crews of the latest ASC 890 airborne early warning aircraft.

Also of note, was the unexpected resignation of the Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, a virulent Russophobe and major supporter of the provision of Swedish weapons to Ukraine. His shock announcement on Wednesday 4th September 2024 may not be linked to the Russian strike on Poltava, but it certainly looks like it could be. It is also interesting to note that Poltava holds a special place in the history of conflict between Sweden and Russia, being the place, on 8th July 1709, that a Russian army under Tsar Peter the Great, defeated the Swedish army led by Carl Gustaf Rehnskiöld, which forever put an end to Swedish imperial expansion and their status as a great power.

Coincidence? I suspect not. The Russian government is definitely sending a message to NATO in general, and Sweden in particular.

A further suspicious death that may be related to the strike is that of Lt. Col. Joshua Camara, who was officially stationed at Camp Kościuszko, home of V Corps’ forward headquarters in the city of Poznan, who was reported to have died on the same day as the Russian strike on Poltava. It goes without saying that US investigators have ruled out “foul play” but the timing is suspicious to say the least.

Needless to say, the Ukrainians tried to spin the strike, claiming that the Russians targeted “an Educational facility and hospital” ignoring the fact that it was a military educational facility, and therefore a legitimate target, and completely failing to provide any evidence of a hospital being hit.

Part of this deliberate falsehood was to allow for a handwringing plea for more air defences. At the Ukraine Defense Contact Group held at USAF base Ramstein in Germany on 6th September 2024, Zelensky both begged for additional air defense systems, and also complained that not all previously promised systems were delivered by his allies in Europe:

“I will not speak openly now about the number of systems they have received - thank you so much again - but the number of air defense systems that have not yet been delivered is significant,” Zelensky said.

“This is what was agreed upon, and this is what has not been fully implemented. The world has enough air defense systems to ensure that Russian terror does not have results, and I urge you to be more active in this war with us in air defense.”

It looks like Zelensky would like to strip the rest of the world of its defenses, just so the Russians can bomb them in Ukraine too. It’s basically the definition of insanity, repeating the same actions and expecting a different result. But only to be expected from the Narcofuhrer of Ukraine, not to mention his increasingly desperate backers.

At the same meeting, Zelensky also begged for the lifting of restrictions on the use of long-range weapons against targets in Russia. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin swiftly squashed any hope of such permission from the US, although it has been received from such military giants as the Baltic republics, Finland, and Holland. Austin pointed out that any such deep strikes would not be a “game changer” as the Russians already base the aircraft responsible for launching cruise missiles and the deadly glide bombs well outside the range of US supplied weapons.

Austin, seemingly more realistic than previously, also commented “There’s no one capability that will in and of itself be decisive in this campaign”

Instead, the US announced another US$250,000,000 weapons package, which will only further deplete US weapons stocks as Israel moves further and further into dragging the Americans into a war in the Middle East.

Once could almost feel sorry for Zelensky, as he threw away a very beneficial peace agreement in 2022 under the illusion that western support would help him win the war. Now, with his elite forces bogged down (and dying in droves) in Kursk, and not expected to remain there more than a couple of months, the rest of his army in Donbass crumbling rapidly, his country facing a bleak winter without power, and his allies running out of weapons, money, or both, it seems the writing is on the wall for his regime.

The slow motion collapse of Ukraine is sure to have repercussions well outside the immediate conflict zone. The US, UK, and EU, through NATO, have invested immense political and military capital in a “Ukrainian victory” that exists only in western propaganda.

I said earlier that the choice of striking in Poltava may have also been intended as a reminder to the Swedes of the battle that forever destroyed their status as a great power. It may be that the strike on 3rd September will be associated with the collapse of NATO as the great power of our time.

History does not always repeat, but it sure as hell rhymes.

Iruni Kalupahana JadeTimes Staff

I. Kalupahana is a Jadetimes news reporter covering Technology

TikTok’s Fight Against U.S. Law Over National Security and Free Speech Concerns
Image Source : Akash Pandey

TikTok's Legal Battle Over U.S. Law

TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance, have been in a legal tussle over a US law that could force the company to sell the app's US operations or get completely banned by January 19th, 2024. The company insists that the law unfairly targets TikTok and is in violation of the free speech rights of its 170 million American users. TikTok's counsel, Andrew Pincus, told the court that the law enforces an "extraordinary speech prohibition based on indeterminate future risks." He added that the U.S. government has failed to prove any bad acts by TikTok, making this law an unprecedented move against a single platform. The lawsuit aims to block the law from taking effect, with TikTok and allies arguing it would have a "staggering" impact on free expression in the United States.

U.S. National Security Concerns

But the US government has nonetheless held fast to its view that TikTok presents a critical national security threat simply because it is part of China. Lawmakers say ByteDance, which owns TikTok, could be forced to hand over precious data on US users to China's government. These include sensitive personal information like exact locations, viewing history, and private messages. The Justice Department also was concerned that the algorithm that determines what videos TikTok users will see is developed and maintained by ByteDance engineers in China. That has raised concerns about the Chinese government manipulating what Americans see to shape public opinion and propagate propaganda surreptitiously. The government's case largely hinges on potential future harms caused by ByteDance's ties to China.

TikTok’s Fight Against U.S. Law Over National Security and Free Speech Concerns
Image Source : David Shepardson

Constitutional Debate on Free Speech

Lawyers for TikTok, along with a coalition of creators, have framed the case in terms of constitutional rights, notably free speech, and contend the law infringes the First Amendment because it prevents American users from free expression on a platform of their choice. Jeffrey Fisher, arguing for TikTok creators, emphasized that the law prohibits users from working with the publisher or editor of their choice in this case, which is TikTok. Those opposing the law also express apprehension that if upheld, it would create a dangerous precedent internationally. They are concerned that authoritarian regimes might look to the ruling as legal cover for imposing similar restrictions on free access by their citizens to global platforms and to the no holds barred exchange of ideas.

The Path Ahead for TikTok

The legal outcome is not yet sure, and the stakes are still high. ByteDance has until January 19, 2024, to divest TikTok's U.S. assets or to face a nation wide ban. Experts said the case may be ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, because both sides have compelling arguments when it comes to national security and free speech. The law passed Congress on a nonpartisan vote, was signed into law this April by President Biden. And even though the Biden administration is supporting this current proposal, which would in all ways and intents remove TikTok from Chinese ownership, they have not publicly sought to ban it. With the litigation process underway, TikTok and the U.S. government have jointly asked for a ruling by December 2023 to allow time for an appeal to the Supreme Court ahead of any ban. The case may have much wider ramifications possible implications for how foreign owned apps are regulated in the future.

Chethana Janith, Jadetimes Staff

C. Janith is a Jadetimes news reporter covering science and geopolitics.


As time passes, unrelentingly, Israel’s crimes in the Gaza Strip are multiplying, with the apparent help and support of the “democratic” US. The latest figures show that the IDF has killed more than 41,000 Palestinian civilians with American weapons, and that 70 percent of the victims were women and children.

The US is directly involved in Israel's actions in Gaza.
Source : newarab/Getty

Some observers estimate that the number of deaths resulting from the attacks on Gaza could be at least another 100,000—including those already killed and buried under rubble, as well as those who have died due to lack of basic medicines and healthcare, malnutrition and disease. On August 26, the first case of polio in twenty-five years was reported in Gaza.

There are tens of thousands of orphaned children in Gaza who are struggling to survive and who are constantly on the move as the Israelis order them to evacuate every few days. Gazans’ miserable livelihoods and the depleted infrastructure of the territory before the war have now been 80-90% destroyed, and residents are surviving in a state that few faced even a century ago.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to destroy Hamas, but this is an impossible task, because Hamas is a movement seeking Palestinians’ liberation after years of Israeli oppression, and this goal cannot be abandoned until Palestinians’ aspirations have been realized. Instead of destroying Hamas, the Israeli army, in a bid to minimize its own losses in close combat, cowardly bombed peaceful neighborhoods in Gaza, dropping 2,000 and 1,000 pound bombs provided by the “supportive” US, which are designed to kill indiscriminately and destroy residential buildings.

The USA’s total support for its Israeli ally

The massacres of Palestinians by Israel were organized and instigated by the United States. Bombs and every conceivable weapon have been provided to the Israeli war machine so that it can massacre civilians, a criminal offense under international law. It is true that the Biden administration has paid lip service to the need to minimize civilian deaths, but while publicly claiming that it has put pressure on Israel to do so, it has in fact dramatically increased its supply of weapons to the IDF. Washington has also provided and continues to provide enormous financial support, thus paying for the killing of Palestinian civilians.

The US defends the current extreme right-wing Israeli government in all international forums. It has vetoed resolutions condemning Israeli atrocities, despite the fact that no sane person could justify these deadly attacks as self-defense. The United States, a country that claims to be guided by the rule of law, has undermined the rule of law in several ways. For example, it has used threats in order to pressurize countries not to bring cases against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Moreover, the Biden administration has even stooped to threatening judges and prosecutors, tactics reminiscent of those used by the mafia, an organization which was hated and outlawed in the United States. Regardless of how one looks at it, the United States is directly and clearly complicit in everything Israel does, and Washington will eventually be held accountable. It may be recalled that the Second World War ended with the Nuremberg Trials, which imposed severe penalties on the Nazi criminals.

Washington’s deceit and lies to its people

In an attempt to gain the support of the American public, the Biden administration is working continuously to misinform and deceive its own people. The American president has repeatedly claimed that he is working tirelessly to minimize civilian deaths and achieve a ceasefire so that the Israeli hostages can be freed, but at the same time he signs off decisions to supply Israel with more and more powerful bombs, and protects Israel behind the scenes.

The Pentagon, like the IDF, is after Hamas leader Yahwar Sinwar, and is generous with its intelligence, but nevertheless Joe Biden is claiming at every corner that the US is not involved in Israel’s war. In his speeches, the American president sheds tears for the fate of the Israeli hostages, but almost never mentions the fate of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have been killed, arrested and tortured without charge by Israeli authorities. After all, the hostages are not only those captured by Hamas on October 7, but also the many Palestinians imprisoned by the IDF without charge. But Israel’s actions are for some reason portrayed as acceptable, while the Palestinian leadership is seen as beyond the pale, because the US and its allies, deceiving everyone, falsely define Hamas as terrorist organization while the IDF is portrayed as a “humanitarian” army.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is portrayed as tirelessly and bravely traveling to the Middle East in search of a ceasefire, but his missions are more about fooling Americans and the world than establishing a just ceasefire and peace. The United States, as Israel’s main supporter, could have demanded a ceasefire with one phone call, but instead it claims that its hands are tied. The ceasefire plan proposed by President Biden under international pressure was accepted by Hamas, and allegedly initially even accepted by Israel, but then Netanyahu began to change the terms relating to Israeli withdrawal. Most notably in relation to the border with Egypt, commonly referred to as the Philadelphia Corridor, and the Netzarim Corridor, which allowed the Israeli army to divide the Gaza Strip in half and control it. It was Israel that reneged on the ceasefire plan, but the United States will never admit this! This is not the behavior of an “honest” broker, as the US tries to portray itself.

The Biden administration’s bias and deception

The bias and deception goes far beyond the White House. While Donald Trump was entirely on Israel’s side, the Democrats have been more secretive and have promoted themselves as the party that supposedly represents all Americans, regardless of race, creed or color. It is reported that Jews make up 2 percent of the US population and Muslims 1.3 percent, with Pew Research predicting that Muslims will outnumber Jews by 2040. Yet, at the recent Democratic Party convention (apparently with Kamala Harris’ blessing), everything possible was done to silence even a modest request for a two-minute speech in support of the Palestinians. A truly catastrophic mistake! Those in the independent bloc nominated any one of three speakers for a two-minute speech - Georgia Representative Ruwa Romman, Illinois Representative Abdel Nasser Rashid, and Dr. Tania Hajj Hassan, a pediatrician who has treated patients in Gaza. After intense negotiations, they were all rejected, and the mother and father of an American-Israeli hostage (Hersh Goldberg-Polin) were invited to speak at the convention.

The US political parties and the vast majority of US lawmakers serve the perceived interests of Israel and the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) or the Israel lobby. Tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank held as prisoners and tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza killed cannot field a speaker for two minutes, while the Israeli hostages, who number less than a hundred, have their spokesperson and plenty of Jewish support in the Democratic Party.

An extremely effective step that could moderate pro-Israeli prejudice in the United States would be to ban dual citizenship for all Americans, regardless of country. There are thousands of people in the US today with dual and triple citizenship, of whom many have served in foreign armies such as the IDF and now work at very high levels of the US government, both in the White House and in intelligence. Why, Americans ask, should we tolerate the threat of conflicts of interest and all that they can lead to? Make all such citizens choose their loyalties! In addition, many civil society organizations believe the Biden administration should immediately put an end to all financial and military assistance to Israel. Can any legislator make a convincing argument in favor of this huge amount of aid that the US is providing to a country that is richer than France, at a time when Americans themselves are in need?

The US unilaterally designates Hamas as a terrorist group, and then feels free to do what it wants with respect to that group. Yes, the October 7 attacks and the hostage taking were horrific, and they were perpetrated by Hamas, which the US calls a terrorist organization. But what is the IDF doing in Gaza and the West Bank? One has only to look at some of the horrifying posts showing war crimes that “brave” IDF soldiers have freely posted on Instagram.

If the West calls Hamas a terrorist organization, what should they call the IDF, which massacres Palestinian civilians on a daily basis? Does this not constitute state terrorism? Is this “better” than Hamas’s actions? Why do the American media label Hamas as terrorists at every opportunity, but refuse to censure the IDF? Why is it that every attack on Jews is characterized as terrorist, while the daily attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank are almost never characterized as terrorist, or even widely reported?

These labels and biased narratives are clearly designed to brainwash Americans into buying into the Israeli narrative—that everything Israelis do is justified as being in defense of their homeland, land which they seized and are illegally occupying, and everything Palestinians do to resist handing over most of their land and homes to the Israelis is terrorism. This false and distorted narrative must be scrutinized if the world is to present a balanced picture of all that has happened since 1948, and the roots of which go back even further. Only if this is done can the world expect a more balanced US policy in the Middle East.

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