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Chethana Janith, Jadetimes Staff

C. Janith is a Jadetimes news reporter covering science and geopolitics.


As time passes, unrelentingly, Israel’s crimes in the Gaza Strip are multiplying, with the apparent help and support of the “democratic” US. The latest figures show that the IDF has killed more than 41,000 Palestinian civilians with American weapons, and that 70 percent of the victims were women and children.

The US is directly involved in Israel's actions in Gaza.
Source : newarab/Getty

Some observers estimate that the number of deaths resulting from the attacks on Gaza could be at least another 100,000—including those already killed and buried under rubble, as well as those who have died due to lack of basic medicines and healthcare, malnutrition and disease. On August 26, the first case of polio in twenty-five years was reported in Gaza.

There are tens of thousands of orphaned children in Gaza who are struggling to survive and who are constantly on the move as the Israelis order them to evacuate every few days. Gazans’ miserable livelihoods and the depleted infrastructure of the territory before the war have now been 80-90% destroyed, and residents are surviving in a state that few faced even a century ago.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to destroy Hamas, but this is an impossible task, because Hamas is a movement seeking Palestinians’ liberation after years of Israeli oppression, and this goal cannot be abandoned until Palestinians’ aspirations have been realized. Instead of destroying Hamas, the Israeli army, in a bid to minimize its own losses in close combat, cowardly bombed peaceful neighborhoods in Gaza, dropping 2,000 and 1,000 pound bombs provided by the “supportive” US, which are designed to kill indiscriminately and destroy residential buildings.

The USA’s total support for its Israeli ally

The massacres of Palestinians by Israel were organized and instigated by the United States. Bombs and every conceivable weapon have been provided to the Israeli war machine so that it can massacre civilians, a criminal offense under international law. It is true that the Biden administration has paid lip service to the need to minimize civilian deaths, but while publicly claiming that it has put pressure on Israel to do so, it has in fact dramatically increased its supply of weapons to the IDF. Washington has also provided and continues to provide enormous financial support, thus paying for the killing of Palestinian civilians.

The US defends the current extreme right-wing Israeli government in all international forums. It has vetoed resolutions condemning Israeli atrocities, despite the fact that no sane person could justify these deadly attacks as self-defense. The United States, a country that claims to be guided by the rule of law, has undermined the rule of law in several ways. For example, it has used threats in order to pressurize countries not to bring cases against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Moreover, the Biden administration has even stooped to threatening judges and prosecutors, tactics reminiscent of those used by the mafia, an organization which was hated and outlawed in the United States. Regardless of how one looks at it, the United States is directly and clearly complicit in everything Israel does, and Washington will eventually be held accountable. It may be recalled that the Second World War ended with the Nuremberg Trials, which imposed severe penalties on the Nazi criminals.

Washington’s deceit and lies to its people

In an attempt to gain the support of the American public, the Biden administration is working continuously to misinform and deceive its own people. The American president has repeatedly claimed that he is working tirelessly to minimize civilian deaths and achieve a ceasefire so that the Israeli hostages can be freed, but at the same time he signs off decisions to supply Israel with more and more powerful bombs, and protects Israel behind the scenes.

The Pentagon, like the IDF, is after Hamas leader Yahwar Sinwar, and is generous with its intelligence, but nevertheless Joe Biden is claiming at every corner that the US is not involved in Israel’s war. In his speeches, the American president sheds tears for the fate of the Israeli hostages, but almost never mentions the fate of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have been killed, arrested and tortured without charge by Israeli authorities. After all, the hostages are not only those captured by Hamas on October 7, but also the many Palestinians imprisoned by the IDF without charge. But Israel’s actions are for some reason portrayed as acceptable, while the Palestinian leadership is seen as beyond the pale, because the US and its allies, deceiving everyone, falsely define Hamas as terrorist organization while the IDF is portrayed as a “humanitarian” army.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is portrayed as tirelessly and bravely traveling to the Middle East in search of a ceasefire, but his missions are more about fooling Americans and the world than establishing a just ceasefire and peace. The United States, as Israel’s main supporter, could have demanded a ceasefire with one phone call, but instead it claims that its hands are tied. The ceasefire plan proposed by President Biden under international pressure was accepted by Hamas, and allegedly initially even accepted by Israel, but then Netanyahu began to change the terms relating to Israeli withdrawal. Most notably in relation to the border with Egypt, commonly referred to as the Philadelphia Corridor, and the Netzarim Corridor, which allowed the Israeli army to divide the Gaza Strip in half and control it. It was Israel that reneged on the ceasefire plan, but the United States will never admit this! This is not the behavior of an “honest” broker, as the US tries to portray itself.

The Biden administration’s bias and deception

The bias and deception goes far beyond the White House. While Donald Trump was entirely on Israel’s side, the Democrats have been more secretive and have promoted themselves as the party that supposedly represents all Americans, regardless of race, creed or color. It is reported that Jews make up 2 percent of the US population and Muslims 1.3 percent, with Pew Research predicting that Muslims will outnumber Jews by 2040. Yet, at the recent Democratic Party convention (apparently with Kamala Harris’ blessing), everything possible was done to silence even a modest request for a two-minute speech in support of the Palestinians. A truly catastrophic mistake! Those in the independent bloc nominated any one of three speakers for a two-minute speech - Georgia Representative Ruwa Romman, Illinois Representative Abdel Nasser Rashid, and Dr. Tania Hajj Hassan, a pediatrician who has treated patients in Gaza. After intense negotiations, they were all rejected, and the mother and father of an American-Israeli hostage (Hersh Goldberg-Polin) were invited to speak at the convention.

The US political parties and the vast majority of US lawmakers serve the perceived interests of Israel and the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) or the Israel lobby. Tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank held as prisoners and tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza killed cannot field a speaker for two minutes, while the Israeli hostages, who number less than a hundred, have their spokesperson and plenty of Jewish support in the Democratic Party.

An extremely effective step that could moderate pro-Israeli prejudice in the United States would be to ban dual citizenship for all Americans, regardless of country. There are thousands of people in the US today with dual and triple citizenship, of whom many have served in foreign armies such as the IDF and now work at very high levels of the US government, both in the White House and in intelligence. Why, Americans ask, should we tolerate the threat of conflicts of interest and all that they can lead to? Make all such citizens choose their loyalties! In addition, many civil society organizations believe the Biden administration should immediately put an end to all financial and military assistance to Israel. Can any legislator make a convincing argument in favor of this huge amount of aid that the US is providing to a country that is richer than France, at a time when Americans themselves are in need?

The US unilaterally designates Hamas as a terrorist group, and then feels free to do what it wants with respect to that group. Yes, the October 7 attacks and the hostage taking were horrific, and they were perpetrated by Hamas, which the US calls a terrorist organization. But what is the IDF doing in Gaza and the West Bank? One has only to look at some of the horrifying posts showing war crimes that “brave” IDF soldiers have freely posted on Instagram.

If the West calls Hamas a terrorist organization, what should they call the IDF, which massacres Palestinian civilians on a daily basis? Does this not constitute state terrorism? Is this “better” than Hamas’s actions? Why do the American media label Hamas as terrorists at every opportunity, but refuse to censure the IDF? Why is it that every attack on Jews is characterized as terrorist, while the daily attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank are almost never characterized as terrorist, or even widely reported?

These labels and biased narratives are clearly designed to brainwash Americans into buying into the Israeli narrative—that everything Israelis do is justified as being in defense of their homeland, land which they seized and are illegally occupying, and everything Palestinians do to resist handing over most of their land and homes to the Israelis is terrorism. This false and distorted narrative must be scrutinized if the world is to present a balanced picture of all that has happened since 1948, and the roots of which go back even further. Only if this is done can the world expect a more balanced US policy in the Middle East.

Chethana Janith, Jadetimes Staff

C. Janith is a Jadetimes news reporter covering science and geopolitics.


The forum turned out to have a very rich programme, gathered participants from many countries friendly to Russia, including Southeast Asia, and once again demonstrated that the turn of the main vector of Russia’s international relations to the East is a promising and actively developing trend in economic life.

Jadetimes, Southeast Asian countries strengthen partnerships at EEF 2024.
Image Source : (Sputnik/Alexander Vilf)

The ninth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) took place on September 3-6 in Vladivostok

The forum turned out to have a very rich programme, gathered participants from many countries friendly to Russia, including Southeast Asia, and once again demonstrated that the turn of the main vector of Russia’s international relations to the East is a promising and actively developing trend in economic life.

Malaysia: participation at the highest level

One of the most representative delegations at EEF this year was the Malaysian one. It was personally headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. At the plenary session of the forum, he delivered a speech filled with initiatives that will make many in the world take a fresh look at the rise and role of the countries of the ‘Global South’. A. Ibrahim noted that today in the world there is a real threat of “fragmentation of the global economy”, which arose due to “rising tariffs, trade barriers and restrictions on technology exchange”. In his opinion, “all of this is alarming and, in this regard, the rise of the Global South not only represents changes in the economic balance, but a kind of reconfiguration in the global arena. The countries of the Global South play a key role in shaping the future global economy. They account for about 40% of global economic output and are home to about 85% of the world’s population. By 2030, 3 of the 4 largest economies will belong to the ‘Global South’. This growth is a reality that creates both problems and challenges, as well as opportunities”.

Regarding his country’s foreign policy, Ibrahim stressed that “it is very important for Malaysia to build strong ties in order to…contribute to the creation of a more balanced world order. Like Russia, we see potential in developing economies and strive to develop partnerships that can ensure mutual prosperity. Malaysia is actively using the opportunities offered to the countries of the Global South. We join other countries who want to create a new development paradigm – more inclusive, more equitable, more sustainable and viable. In an increasingly complex world, our future depends on our ability to adapt, innovate and build relationships that transcend traditional boundaries. The Global South is on the rise, and Malaysia intends to rise with it”. At the same time, “Malaysia is a friendly country, without any prejudices, it is not influenced by any dictate of any power and we would like to have special relations with Russia, as with many other countries”.

Considering that Kuala Lumpur will chair ASEAN next year, A. Ibrahim pointed out that “Malaysia intends to focus not only on strengthening existing mechanisms and institutions, but also on finding synergies with partners for dialogue and development assistance… intensify interaction with other subregions and use strategic partnerships, including with Russia. In this context, Malaysia intends to join BRICS, thus diversifying efforts in the field of economic diplomacy and strengthening cooperation with member countries”. The Malaysian Prime Minister expressed gratitude to Vladimir Putin for the invitation to attend the BRICS summit in Kazan in October, 2024, and confirmed his participation.

A. Ibrahim devoted a significant part of his speech to the role of Russia in the world. According to him, “as a cultural, intellectual and scientific force, Russia occupies a prominent place on the world stage and goes far beyond any commercial relations and geopolitics, penetrating into the deep fabric of human history and thought. Russia’s superiority is not due to military power or economic influence, no matter how important it may be. First of all, we are talking about the enduring power of ideas, the beauty of artistic expression and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. These achievements are the basis of the so-called soft power, thanks to which Russia holds a unique place in the world, arousing respect and admiration, winning the hearts and minds of people around the world…I really think that life would be much poorer without literature, especially without Russian literature. In this regard, I cannot but pay tribute to the great Russian writers and poets who explored the depths and complexities of our lives with unsurpassed insight. It was their works that had an indelible impact on my personal understanding of society and human existence. Russian literature demonstrates the depth of the influence of this great country, this great culture on world thought and its ability to help us understand our own role, our ideas and our significance in the broader currents of history. At this unique moment, when we promote the development of mankind through knowledge and technology, we see that Russia is constantly expanding the boundaries of what is possible: from breakthrough efforts in space exploration to innovative work in the field of nuclear physics and cybernetics. And we ourselves have just heard about the unique vision and specific plans presented by President Vladimir Putin. These plans, of course, cover a variety of aspects, they relate to the development of a person and covering his needs”. The Malaysian Prime Minister finished his thought with a conclusion about “the importance of Russia in the collective progress of mankind”.

As is known, Malaysia refused to join Western sanctions against Russia. A. Ibrahim said that his country is “a country with an open economy and we are proud to do business with the whole world”. The Malaysian Prime minister named finance and agriculture as the most promising sectors of bilateral cooperation (stressing that “Russia has achieved significant success in agriculture, becoming the most important global player in this sector” and “plays a key role in ensuring global industrial security”), energy (both traditional and renewable energy sources), education and science. “Russia”, recalled A. Ibrahim, “has the reputation of an advanced state, especially in the natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics. Russian universities are constantly among the best in the world, producing world-class scientists, engineers and researchers. The recent establishment of the Russian-Malaysian High Technology Centre underscores our commitment to the development of technological innovation and the promotion of academic cooperation. By facilitating cooperation in the development of high-tech solutions – especially in the field of energy efficiency, data transmission and smart city technologies – we can use our collective advantages to develop innovations and solve the problems of the 21st century”.

Ibrahim also called the EEF a “landmark” forum, expressed special gratitude to President Vladimir Putin for the invitation to participate and told him that this was his first visit to Russia. The Malaysian Prime Minister appreciated Vladivostok’s unique position in the development of Russia’s contacts with the countries of the East, noted the growth of bilateral trade and investment, the expansion of cooperation in the energy sector, industry and digital technologies, the increase in the number of Malaysian citizens who go to study at Russian universities, the growth of tourist flow from Russia and the need to increase tourism on a reciprocal basis.

In general, the entire speech of the future chairman of ASEAN, testified, firstly, to the desire to cooperate with Russia, and, secondly, to the desire to strengthen Malaysia’s sovereignty and contribute to a truly tangible increase in the role of the countries of the ‘Global South’ in world politics. In addition to participating in the plenary session, a separate meeting of the leaders of the Russian Federation and Malaysia and a number of negotiations with participants of the forum were also held. In an article published at the end of A. Ibrahim’s visit, Malaysian state news agency Bernama noted its great strategic importance for the country’s foreign policy. Strengthening ties with Moscow not only fully meets the interests of Kuala Lumpur, but also promotes Malaysia’s role on the world stage. The closeness of the views of the two states on international relations, including on such a significant issue for predominantly Muslim Malaysia as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, was emphasised.

Russia and Southeast Asia: margins of cooperation

In addition to Malaysia, Vietnam and Myanmar were also well-represented at EEF 2024. Vietnam has generally become one of the most active participants of EEF; this trend has been observed for several years now. By the way, the EEF website now has a Vietnamese-language version. It is also worth noting that two months before the opening of the forum, on July 4, a visiting session of the Roscongress Foundation was held in Ho Chi Minh City in preparation for EEF. It was attended by more than a hundred representatives of government authorities, industry associations and heads of large businesses, including such promising sectors for cooperation as shipbuilding, agriculture, textile production and furniture. The participants discussed current areas of trade and economic relations between the Russian Federation and Vietnam and a presentation of the Fund’s opportunities for foreign business was held.

At the EEF, representatives of Vietnam took part in sessions such as ‘Innovations in land use: from established practices to modern technologies’, ‘Views on the future of the new world order: complementary, competing or mutually exclusive?’, ‘Disease X. How to prepare for the unknown?’ Another event was the Russian-Vietnamese scientific and practical conference, at which researchers representing the largest academic centres of the two countries exchanged their views on how bilateral relations are developing and what can be further improved in them.

Participants from Myanmar within the framework of EEF took part in the discussions ‘Cooperation in Greater Eurasia: experience in the development of production chains of the EAEU, SCO, BRICS’, ‘Southeast Asia in a multipolar world’, ‘International youth cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region’ and at a session on legal aspects of doing business. Representatives of Laos, Thailand and Cambodia participated in the session on legal aspects of doing business, Singapore – in the sessions ‘International Youth Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region’ and ‘Development of international commercial arbitration in the Asia-Pacific countries’, the Philippines – in the session on international youth cooperation.

The Russian Investment Promotion Fund ‘RK-Investments’ signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of Myanmar and the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development of this country at EEF. The parties will work together on the implementation of a project to build a factory for the production of plant growth stimulants in Myanmar. Certification of the use and sale of Russian fertilisers in Myanmar, cooperation in improving the quality of agricultural soils and the development of seed production and breeding clusters are also planned.

Alexey Likhachev, head of the Rosatom state corporation, told reporters during EEF about negotiations on developing ties in creating a full-scale nuclear industry in Thailand. Myanmar and the Philippines have the same interest. In general, Southeast Asian countries are considering the option of land-based or floating nuclear power plants of low power.

An agreement on cooperation between the Prosecutor General’s offices was signed with Laos ‘on the sidelines’ of the Forum. According to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Krasnov, the document will serve as the legal basis for a wide range of issues, including the legal basis for professional development, exchange of experience in the work of departments, anti-crime practices and free training of Lao citizens in Russia in relevant specialties.

Business dialogue with ASEAN: from projects to practical cooperation

One of the EEF sessions was devoted to economic relations between Russia and ASEAN. It was attended by representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Russian Export Center (REC), PJSC RusHydro, the FESCO transport group and participants from Vietnam and Myanmar from Southeast Asia.

The discussion turned out to be rich and productive. The debaters highlighted the most promising areas of partnership and key constraints in terms of logistics and mutual settlements that need to be eliminated so as to expand bilateral cooperation. The need to harmonise regulatory frameworks, simplify trade procedures on a mutual basis and better disseminate information about cooperation opportunities among companies of interested parties was also emphasised. The latter was also directed at the media. The general conclusion was the recognition – by both sides – of the importance of Russia’s ties with ASEAN in modern conditions

Gohar Barseghyan, member of the Board (minister) for Industry and Agro-industrial Complex of the Eurasian Economic Commission reported on the results of the visit of the EEC delegation to Indonesia. The Commission is counting on the possibility of creating a free trade zone with the country. In addition, stable ties have been established with the governments of Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Singapore, memoranda have been signed and dialogue is actively developing, including with the participation of business.

Dmitry Prokhorenko, Director for the development of the REC’s foreign network, announced plans to open representative offices of the centre in Thailand and Indonesia, following the example of the existing office in Vietnam. The REC sees great prospects for Russian companies to enter the Southeast Asian region.

German Maslov, Vice President for the line logistics division of FESCO, spoke about the launch of a direct freight line between the port of Vladivostok and Vietnam. “We see a huge interest of shippers in this service, because there has never been a direct service before. We collect cargoes from different countries of Southeast Asia and almost all countries have our representative offices. Thus, we can send goods from almost any country to Russia and from Russia to these countries through Vietnam, which is now operating as a logistics hub”, he said.

Sergey Machekhin, Deputy Director General for Project Engineering, Sustainable Development and International Cooperation of PJSC RusHydro, drew the attention of colleagues from ASEAN to the need for a “multifaceted audit of existing energy systems of states, because most of the solutions that have been implemented already number 50-60 technological years”. After such a comprehensive audit, states objectively need to “develop and implement a programme to improve the reliability of energy systems. It is necessary to take into account the growth and consumption rates, the changing landscape of energy and water consumption and, of course, apply those technologies that allow for minimal damage to the environment”. Russia has such technological solutions and is ready to offer them to Southeast Asian countries for joint implementation with transfer and localisation of the most modern innovative practices.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hoa Binh Construction Group JSC Le Viet Hai (Vietnam) expressed hope that his country “can serve as a reliable bridge between Russia and other ASEAN countries” and spoke about negotiations with a number of Russian companies on potential development projects.

According to Myanmar’s Minister of Hospitality and Tourism, Thet Thet Khine, it is extremely important for the parties to “harmonise standards”; this will help them create a better environment for trade and develop cooperation more effectively. The minister also stressed the role of the Russian Far East in the development of relations between Russia and ASEAN and the need to improve infrastructure, which will contribute to the expansion of tourism and trade. Both Russia and ASEAN countries are interested in innovation and improving the quality of life of their citizens. Thet Thet Khine named the most promising areas of cooperation as fisheries and agriculture, the development of high technologies, renewable energy sources, biotechnology, the construction of a digital economy, environmental protection and tourism.

Iruni Kalupahana JadeTimes Staff

I. Kalupahana is a Jadetimes news reporter covering Israel-Gaza war

Aid Efforts in Gaza Fall Short
Image Source : Saleh Salem

Urgent Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The United Nations’ (UN) senior official overseeing aid and reconstruction in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, has raised alarm over the international community's inability to meet the dire needs of Gaza’s civilian population. Appointed nine months ago, Kaag has been working to enhance the delivery of aid, but she stated that despite logistical systems being in place, they are not enough to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Gaza’s deteriorating conditions, compounded by repeated conflicts, have left over two million residents dependent on aid. Describing the territory as “the most unsafe place in the world to work,” Kaag highlighted the enormous risks taken by humanitarian workers, with nearly 300 aid workers killed since the war began, over two thirds of whom were UN staff.

Challenges in Delivering Aid

The conflict has posed significant barriers to the effective delivery of aid, with the ongoing fighting making it difficult to provide basic necessities such as food, water, and medical supplies. Kaag stressed the importance of a ceasefire to allow for a more structured humanitarian response, particularly in securing the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. She also expressed concern that “deconfliction,” a process designed to ensure the safety of aid workers during missions, has been largely ineffective. For instance, an aid convoy heading into northern Gaza was recently blocked by Israeli forces, and a UN operated school being used as a shelter was targeted in an airstrike, resulting in 18 deaths, including children. Israel claims Hamas is using such facilities for military purposes, further complicating aid efforts.

Aid Efforts in Gaza Fall Short
Image Source : Ahmad Hasabullah

Cooperation with Israeli Officials

Despite the immense challenges, Kaag described her discussions with Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as “constructive.” However, she noted a significant delay between commitments made by Israeli officials and their actual implementation. While Israeli authorities maintain that sufficient aid is reaching Gaza, the UN's own surveys and health reports indicate that the majority of Gaza’s population is food insecure, with malnourished children and babies arriving at health centers daily. The ongoing blockade of Gaza, which severely restricts the flow of goods, has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis, leaving many civilians without access to basic resources, including clean water, fuel, and electricity.

UNRWA Under Scrutiny

UNRWA is the biggest UN agency that operates in Gaza and has been accused of being infiltrated by Hamas. The Israeli officials have accused the agency of allowing its facilities for military aims, and after a series of investigations into the happenings at the agency, some staff members were dismissed from the service. Nevertheless, Kaag, during the presentation of her concerns, came forward in defense of UNRWA's integrity, underlining that investigations into violations are ongoing when evidence is provided. UNRWA is indispensable for Education, Healthcare, and emergency aid to the Palestinian refugees, with a staff of over 13,000 in Gaza. The agency, however, has been stretched beyond its capacity to function effectively by the protracted conflict and blockade. Kaag finished speaking by emphasizing how deeply traumatized both Gazans and Israelis are and that humanitarian efforts have to be sped up to prevent further bloodshed.

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