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Abortion: A Complex Social Issue in the Western World

Thiloththama Jayasinghe, Jadetimes Staff

T. Jayasinghe is a Jadetimes news reporter covering Social Issues

Abortion: A Complex Social Issue in the Western World
Image Source : Life Right to UK

Abortion is one of the most important and contentious social issues in contemporary society, at least in the majority of Western countries. Debate related to abortion has taken on multi-dimensional insights pertaining to moral, ethical, legal, and health perspectives. The ever-changing face of laws and societal attitudes in regard to this critical issue deems it very necessary for the understanding required by all in a well-informed discussion.

Centuries define the legal history of abortion. Major shifts in the abortion laws have occurred in the last several decades. The landmark case in the United States was, of course, the Supreme Court's decision in *Roe v. Wade* (1973) framing access to abortion as a constitutional right. Presently, that decision is disputed and even overturned, which has changed its accessibility and legal status across the different states at a phenomenal pace.

Where the legal status of abortion in many Western countries is very different-some countries, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, still maintain liberal access to abortion services, while others, like the United States, have rolled back rights in many states. This is reflected in new legislation just signed into law in Texas and Alabama, that has provoked nationwide protests and reignited advocacy for reproductive rights as one of today's highly contentious issues.

Public opinion is deeply polarized on issues regarding abortion. Proponents of reproductive rights see safe and legal access to abortion as a protected human right, indispensable in women's health and self-determination. Many opponents commonly use moral and religious reasons, considering it the taking of a human life. The tension between these views causes continuous debate and activism that molds the social context of abortion.

Another important public health concern is access to abortion. Research has indicated that where access to abortions is restricted, there is a corresponding heightened prevalence of unsafe abortions, which have devastating health consequences. According to the World Health Organization, safe abortion is an essential element in the comprehensive care required for health. Access to good reproductive health services is crucial to that end.

It should be kept in mind that the account here is mostly about the position in Western countries, but one should note the broader international context: In much of the rest of the world, access to abortion is severely limited and that generally entails resorting to unsafe practices. Given such a real contrast between free availability in some Western countries and severe prohibition in others, struggles for reproductive rights are truly global in nature.

Finally, the issue of abortion reflects values and beliefs of society. Debates are still ongoing, but respectful dialogue needs to take place about the issue for the various dimensions it takes. Indeed, access to safe and legal abortion is essentially a matter of reproductive rights; it likewise forms a very important agenda on the issue of public health and gender equality.

Abortion: A Complex Social Issue in the Western World
Image Source : United Nation

Call to Action

As society is still figuring out a way to wrestle with the issues brought about by a woman's right to choose regarding her pregnancy, so too are the people within. Supporting organizations that fight for reproductive rights, engaging in discussion, and learning about the legal framework-all of these can go hand in hand to build a more informed, sensitive society.


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