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Europe's elites jolted by Putin's lesson in Realpolitik

Writer: Chethana JanithChethana Janith

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

Chethana Janith, Jadetimes Staff

C. Janith is a Jadetimes news reporter covering science and geopolitics.


Have Europe’s elites, those masters of self-satisfaction, finally realised that their reign is over? While they were lounging in their comfortable bubble of superiority, Vladimir Putin gave them a lesson in Realpolitik that left them dizzy.

Jadetimes, Europe’s elites jolted by Putin’s lesson in Realpolitik.
Image Source : (РИА Новости/Максим Блинов/AP)

This article highlights the critical challenges facing Europe’s elites, revealing the limits of their diplomacy, the economic fragilities, and the internal divisions that undermine their union. The question remains: is Europe ready to confront these complex realities, or will it continue to delude itself into believing that it still dominates the world stage?

Putin’s rude awakening of European elites illustrates a master lesson in Realpolitik. Long convinced of their eternal dominance, these elites are confronted with the unforgiving reality of a foreign policy focused on pragmatism and national interest. Deftly exploiting the Ukraine crisis, Putin has been able to expose Europe’s weaknesses, internal divisions, and political hesitations. This strategy has exposed unsuspected vulnerabilities and reminded European elites of the need for a more nuanced and proactive approach in a multipolar world. Inspired by the theories of Bismarck and applied by figures such as Kissinger, Fukuyama, Huntington, and Brzezinski, Realpolitik demands recognition of Russia as a key player on the global chessboard. Now is the time for a strategic review for these elites, who must demonstrate resilience and strategic diplomacy to succeed in this new multipolar world order. But how did this Russian leader manage to take the European elites by the horns?

The shock doctrine: how European elites were surprised by Putin

The European elites, these champions of deception, these masters of oxymoron, these specialists of the antithetical reaction. While the world is changing at a rapid pace, they remain anchored in their glorious past, convinced that their superiority is eternal. But reality is catching up with them, and with it, the consequences of their lounging. The Europe of decline is taking shape, where the elites are more concerned with saving their power than with saving their continent. This is how the shock strategy revealed their weaknesses in the face of Vladimir Putin, confronting their belief in permanent economic and political domination. Putin, by applying Realpolitik, exploited Europe’s internal divisions and strengthened his position through energy measures and strategic alliances.

This shock exposed the miscalculations of European leaders, showing that sanctions and diplomatic protests were insufficient. The lesson is clear: to thrive in a multipolar world, elites must embrace humility, pragmatism, and a deep understanding of Realpolitik. To ignore these principles would be to risk a loss of influence on the international stage. But European elites, of the Macronian dimension, have finally found their place in history: that of the example not to follow. Their legend will live on forever as a warning to future generations: Do not be like the European elites, who let their continent sink into oblivion.

The failure of European diplomacy: a pathetic spectacle

European elites, these miniature political giants. Able to shake the leaves of a tree with their declarations, but powerless in the face of the storms of history. This is why the failure of European diplomacy illustrates a flagrant lack of strategic vision and leadership. By relying on grandiloquent declarations and ineffective economic sanctions, European elites have underestimated the complexity of Realpolitik. Their inability to anticipate the reactions of Russia, wrongly perceived as a secondary power, has exposed glaring gaps in the adaptation of their strategy. The persistent division of the members of the European Union has, moreover, allowed Putin to exploit these flaws, highlighting the absence of a common strategy. This approach, disconnected from reality, also highlights a lack of understanding of the historical dynamics and long-term interests of the region. It is crucial that European decision-makers recognize this historical failure and develop a more coherent and pragmatic diplomacy.

From the above, we can deduce that the European elites continue to dance on the Titanic, convinced that their superiority is eternal. But the iceberg of reality awaits them, merciless. The failure of their diplomacy, the weakness of their economy and the division of their union: the signs of their decline are evident. But they refuse to see, preferring to take refuge in their chimerical dream world.


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