By C. J. De Mel, Jadetimes News
"Exhuma," directed and written by Jang Jae Hyun, is a gripping horror, mystery, and thriller film that delves into Korean folklore and supernatural elements. The story follows a renowned shaman (Kim Go Eun) and her protégé (Lee Do Hyun) as a wealthy, enigmatic family hires them to investigate a disturbing supernatural illness affecting only the first born children of each generation. With the assistance of a knowledgeable mortician (Yoo Hai Jin) and the country's most revered geomancer (Choi Min Sik), they trace the affliction's origin to a long hidden family grave on sacred ground. When they attempt to exhume and relocate the ancestral remains, a darker force emerges, revealing the dire consequences of disturbing the grave.
Movie Info
Director: Jang Jae Hyun
Main Cast: Kim Go Eun, Choi Min Sik, Lee Do Hyun
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10
Distributor: Well Go USA Entertainment
Theatrical Release Date: March 15, 2024
Streaming Release Date: June 4, 2024
Box Office Gross: $2.3 million
Runtime: 2 hours and 13 minutes
Filming Locations
"Exhuma" captures the essence of Korean history and supernatural folklore through its diverse filming locations:
The Plaza Hotel, Seoul
Featured as a key location where the geomancer Kim Sang Deok (Choi Min Sik) comments on its prime location. The hotel, near Seoul City Hall and the City Hall Station, has a significant historical backdrop, including moments from the 2002 World Cup celebrations.
Dangsan Tree, Gyeongsang Village
This ancient zelkova tree, over 500 years old, appears in a flashback scene. Located in Damyang County, the tree is considered sacred and is associated with local myths and annual rituals.
Ahopsan Forest, Busan
This private forest, with a history spanning over 400 years, is where the crew heads to the ancestral grave. The forest's towering trees and serene trails have made it a popular spot for visitors and have been featured in other historical films.
Special Tactics
Shamanistic Rituals and Authenticity
Director Jang Jae Hyun incorporated genuine shamanistic rituals, such as "gut," a traditional Korean ceremony performed by shamans. To ensure these scenes were authentic, the film's team consulted real shamans, Go Chun Ja and Lee Da Young, who advised on ritual details and even influenced the choice of release dates based on auspicious timing. This effort aimed to present the rituals in a way that felt genuine even to actual practitioners.
Historical and Cultural Elements
The film integrates elements of Korean shamanism and feng shui, weaving them into the narrative to create an eerie atmosphere. The storyline centers on a haunted gravesite, with the shaman characters performing exhumations and rituals to appease an angered ancestor. This mix of supernatural and historical elements aims to provide a unique cinematic experience that also educates viewers about Korean cultural practices.
Dramatization Techniques
To make certain scenes more visually engaging, the film included dramatized elements. For example, a scene where a geomancer tastes the soil to determine the land's suitability was added to visually convey the character's expertise, despite not being a typical practice in real feng shui assessments.
Spiritual Encounters
There were reported incidents on set that added to the film's mystical aura. Advisors mentioned experiencing unusual events during filming, such as feeling unwell during ritual scenes and seeing unexplained phenomena, which contributed to the film's authenticity and eerie atmosphere.
Fan Reactions
The film has elicited strong reactions from audiences
General Praise: Many viewers appreciated the film's exploration of Korean traditions and superstitions. The acting, particularly by Choi Min Sik, received high praise, with fans noting his continued box office prowess.
Comparisons to Other Films: "Exhuma" has been compared to "The Wailing," another well received Korean supernatural thriller. Fans noted that while the first half follows familiar tropes, the film quickly delves into deeper themes, maintaining a gripping mystery throughout.
Cultural Depth: Audiences highlighted the film's skillful weaving of Korean culture, folklore, and history into the narrative. Themes of ancestral legacy, cultural identity, and the consequences of disturbing the past were particularly noted.
Cinematography and Pacing: The film's stunning cinematography and expert pacing were praised, with viewers describing how the remote mountains and eerie landscapes enhanced the overall experience.
Political Themes: Some viewers felt that the political themes were a bit too deep but appreciated the film's unique perspective and cultural representation.
"Exhuma" is a standout Korean horror thriller that offers a richly layered narrative steeped in cultural and supernatural elements. Its captivating story, strong performances, and beautiful cinematography make it a must watch for fans of the genre. Despite some viewers finding the political themes a bit heavy, the film's exploration of burial practices and East Asian Feng Shui provides a refreshing and engaging cinematic experience.