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ICC Chief Prosecutor Defends Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu and Others Amid War Crimes Allegations

Vithanage Erandi Kawshalya Madhushani Jade Times Staff

V.E.K. Madhushani is a Jadetimes news reporter covering

ICC Chief Prosecutor Defends Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu and Others Amid War Crimes Allegations
Image Source : Ido Vock

Karim Khan Emphasizes Equal Justice Standards for All Nations in International Law

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, has emphasized the importance of demonstrating impartiality in the pursuit of justice following the request for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and leaders of Hamas. In a recent interview, Khan stated that it is crucial for the court to apply the same standards of international law to all nations when addressing allegations of war crimes.


Khan highlighted the need for visible justice and the equal application of legal principles, underscoring that the ICC’s approach must not be swayed by geopolitical influences or alliances. “You can't have one approach for countries with support from NATO, Europe, or other powerful nations, and a different approach elsewhere where we have clear jurisdiction,” Khan said.


The warrants, which Khan has requested, include allegations of severe crimes committed since the onset of the conflict between Israel and Hamas on October 7. Israeli leaders Netanyahu and Gallant are suspected of war crimes including the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, murder, and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population. Meanwhile, Hamas leaders Yahiya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh face accusations of extermination, murder, hostage taking, rape, sexual violence, and torture.


Khan underscored the necessity of pursuing warrants for individuals on both sides of the conflict to maintain the court’s perceived impartiality. “If we applied for warrants against Israeli officials and not for those in Gaza, it would be seen as an injustice,” he explained, stressing the importance of upholding common legal standards globally.


Despite facing pushback from both Israel and Hamas, which have rejected the allegations, Khan stood by the ICC’s process, noting his access to the evidence behind the warrants, which remains confidential. He also welcomed the decision of the new UK government to refrain from opposing the arrest warrants, marking a shift in policy from the previous administration.


Khan revealed that he had faced pressure from some world leaders who cautioned against issuing the warrants. Nevertheless, he maintained his stance on the importance of accountability in upholding international law.


In the broader context of global justice, Khan also addressed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, expressing his belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin would eventually be held accountable in court for alleged war crimes, including the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children since the start of Russia’s invasion in 2022. Despite Putin’s recent visit to Mongolia, an ICC signatory, where he was not arrested, Khan remains confident in the eventual enforcement of international legal standards.


Khan’s statements reflect the ICC’s commitment to applying justice equitably, regardless of the political complexities involved, and underscore the court’s role in holding leaders accountable for their actions on the international stage.


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