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India Role in Enhancing Stability in South China Sea

Diya Upreti, Jadetimes Staff

Diya Upreti is a Jadetimes news reporter covering political news

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India Role in Enhancing Stability in South China Sea

South China Sea has always been a sensitive area in world geopolitics. It is strategically vital and the claims of different nations over this place are under dispute. During the 19th East Asia Summit held in October 2024, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi underlined the critical need for peace, security, and stability in this vital region. His speech, connected to India's broader vision of the same free, open, and rule-based Indo-Pacific region-a principle that is foundational to ensuring equitable growth and mutual respect among nations-a is very important to the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is the world's premier maritime corridor of global trade: nearly one-third of the world's shipping passes through its waters. Beyond its economic significance, the region is rich in natural resources, from fisheries to what may be regarded as potential energy reserves. Nonetheless, overlapping claims by China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan have made the region the focal point of geopolitical tensions.

This does not only pertain to bordering nations, but it's an issue the world at large has to confront. Its stability will be necessary for global trade and energy security as well as the maintenance of maritime law; hence it remains a crucial concern for states such as India which have strategic and economic interests within this area.

India's Indo-Pacific Vision

Prime Minister Modi, at the East Asia Summit, underscored India's commitment to a rule-based international order. A country with an enormous coastline and strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific, India has always pushed for an approach that is inclusive, dialogue-based, and diplomacy-driven. It is in keeping with India's "Indo-Pacific Oceans' Initiative," which focuses on building partnerships for maritime cooperation, environmental sustainability, and capacity building among Indo-Pacific nations.

India's vision also resonates with ASEAN's "Outlook on the Indo-Pacific," thereby underlining the centrality of ASEAN in regional frameworks. By taking initiatives in accordance with ASEAN's objectives, India clearly underlines its position as a cooperative player rather than a hegemon in the region. In this process, the smaller nations are assured of having a platform to air their grievances and be involved in the decision-making process.

Challenges and Opportunities

Advocating for peace and stability in the South China Sea is a challenging issue for India. The growing militarization of the region and the unilateral actions of countries with their own agendas create a significant risk to maritime security. It requires delicate management by India to balance its strategic partnerships, mainly with the ASEAN members and key players such as the United States, Japan, and Australia, while continuing to stand independently.

Though there are challenges for India, in these challenges come also opportunities. Such active engagement through regional dialogues and initiatives endorses India's image as an active global responsible actor. India further strengthens its tie with like-minded nations by voicing principles such as freedom of navigation, respect to international law, and sustainable development. It again reinforces its role as a lead actor in Indo-Pacific.

As the stability in South China Sea is more of a global demand than a region-specific issue. India is very proactive in the advocacy of a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region as it aims to promote cooperation and ensure that international norms are respected. By dialogue, diplomacy, and strategic partnerships, India hopes to build a future in which peace and prosperity prevail over conflict and discord. Prime Minister Modi’s address at the East Asia Summit serves as a reaffirmation of India’s dedication to these ideals, setting a constructive tone for addressing challenges in the South China Sea and beyond.

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