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New WEF Technology Pioneers Highlight AI and Tech Start ups Leading the Way

By C. Perera, JadeTimes News

New WEF Technology Pioneers Highlight AI and Tech Start ups Leading the Way
Image Source : Yuichiro Chino

AI and Tech Start ups Lead New WEF Technology Pioneers


The World Economic Forum has unveiled its 2024 cohort of Technology Pioneers, comprising 100 leading tech start ups. These companies are harnessing recent AI breakthroughs to drive innovations in clean energy, healthcare, biotech, space, and neurotechnology. Over the next two years, they will contribute their expertise to WEF's global initiatives, aiming to scale their impact.


Head of Innovator Communities at WEF, Verena Kuhn, highlighted the transformative potential of these pioneers in tackling urgent global challenges. This year's cohort features start ups from 23 countries, with a third led by women CEOs. They were selected for their significant technological advancements and rapid growth, spanning areas like nuclear fusion, biotechnology, quantum computing, and AI.


Sectors and Notable Start ups

1. Space

Nine companies, including Amini, constellr, Pixxel, Space Forge, and SWISSto12, represent the burgeoning space industry, projected to grow to $1.8 trillion by 2035.


2. Neurotechnology

Start ups like BrainQ Technologies, Neurable, OpenBCI, and NextSense are leading advancements in neurotech, an industry that has seen over $8 billion in venture capital investment.


3. Clean Technology

Companies such as Amperehour Solar, Botree Cycling, Brimstone Energy, and Marvel Fusion are pioneering in carbon capture, regenerative agriculture, alternative proteins, and nuclear fusion.


The cohort will participate in various Forum meetings, starting with the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024 in Dalian, China, from June 25 and 27.


Highlighted Startups by Region

  • Africa

BasiGo,Kenya and Jetstream  are innovating in electric buses and supply chain digitization, respectively.

  • Asean

Agriaku, Indonesia is enhancing agricultural market efficiency.

  • Europe

Companies like Algorithmiq,inland and Marvel Fusion Germany  are leading in quantum computing and fusion energy.

  • Greater China

Botree Recycling and china are focusing on battery material recycling and generative AI.

  • Japan and North Asia

EdgeCortix  is developing ultra low latency AI platforms.

  • Latin America

Bright Cities Brazil and PhageLab Chile are working on urban diagnostics and AI powered pathogen diagnosis.

  • Middle East and North Africa

Brainq Israel and Khazna Egypt are advancing neurotechnology and financial services for the underserved.

  • North America

Companies like Brimstone Energy USA and CATALOG Technologies USA are innovating in carbon negative cement and DNA based data storage.

  • South Asia

Amperehour Solar India and Cropin India are making strides in renewable energy and farm management solutions.


The full list of the 2024 Technology Pioneers is available on the WEF website. These innovators are poised to make substantial contributions to global technological advancement and sustainability efforts.

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