By Chethana Janith, Jadetimes News

Pan-Africanism and the BRICS alliance represent two powerful forces that can help shape an emerging Global South. While Pan-Africanism promotes unity, solidarity and cooperation among African nations, the BRICS/BRICS+ alliance represents a group of emerging countries seeking to strengthen their economic and political influence on the international stage. Together, they can join forces to strengthen South-South cooperation, promote more equitable development, counter the hegemony of Western powers and encourage the emergence of new development paths. This alliance can thus contribute to shaping a more united, stronger and more influential global South on the international scene, promoting peace, security and stability in the Southern regions and in the multipolar world. Like two unified twins, Pan-Africanism and the BRICS Alliance must marry to consolidate multipolarism.
For decades, the world scene has been marked by a profound transformation of the world order, with the emergence of new powers and the questioning of Western hegemony. Africa, a dynamic force with its demographic, economic and cultural potential, is at the heart of this transformation. Pan-Africanism, which advocates unity and solidarity among African nations, is growing in influence and relevance. At the same time, the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is strengthening (BRICS+), seeking to promote a more multipolar and equitable world order. The BRICS now represent a considerable economic, political and military force, capable of countering the influence of Western powers. It is in this context that the alliance between Pan-Africanism and BRICS takes on its full meaning, offering a unique opportunity for Africa and emerging countries to strengthen their cooperation, promote their development and redefine global balances of power. This is why the Alliance between Pan-Africanism and BRICS /BRICS+ represents a major turning point in global geopolitics, with considerable geostrategic issues. This dynamic alliance between Africa’s quest for unity and development, embodied by Pan-Africanism, and the BRICS group of emerging countries, seeking to redefine the world order, creates a new pole of power and influence. The challenges are multiple: strengthening South-South cooperation, challenging Western hegemony, emergence of new development paths, and redefinition of global balances of power. This alliance has the potential to shape a new geopolitical landscape, with profound implications for global peace, security and sustainable development. But what are the geopolitical and geostrategic issues of this alliance? How will African and BRICS actors navigate this new landscape? What opportunities are available to them?
Geopolitical and geostrategic issues of the Pan-Africanism-BRICS Alliance couple
The alliance between Pan-Africanism and BRICS represents a historic opportunity for African and emerging countries to strengthen their cooperation, promote their development and redefine their place in the world order. This alliance helps create a space for South-South cooperation, where African and BRICS countries can share experiences, knowledge and resources to achieve common goals. It promotes the creation of a more equitable and sustainable development model, which takes into account the specificities and needs of countries in the South. This alliance also helps strengthen economic, political, military and cultural cooperation between African countries and BRICS, creating opportunities for partnership and cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, technology and education. In addition, this alliance contributes to promoting peace, security and stability in the Southern regions, by promoting conflict resolution and regional cooperation. It also encourages the democratization of global governance, by giving a stronger voice to countries of the South in international institutions and by promoting greater representation and participation of African and emerging countries in global decision-making processes. This alliance represents an important step towards a fairer, fairer and more sustainable multipolar world, where African and emerging countries can play a larger and more influential role in the global order. It offers a unique opportunity for countries in the South to take control of their destiny and create a more prosperous and sustainable future for their people.
Will African and BRICS Alliance actors navigate this new multipolar landscape?
African and BRICS Alliance actors can navigate this new multipolar landscape by adopting common strategies to promote their interests and strengthen their cooperation. To this end, they can emphasize South-South cooperation, strengthening their own capacities, diversifying alliances and partnerships, and promoting economic diplomacy and regional cooperation. They can also use BRICS Alliance platforms, such as the New Development Bank and the BRICS Reserve Fund, to finance development projects and strengthen economic cooperation. From this perspective, African actors and those of the BRICS Alliance can work together to promote the reform of international institutions and strengthen the representation of Southern countries in global decision-making processes. In addition, they can emphasize cooperation in areas such as technology, energy, agriculture and security, to strengthen their self-reliance and resilience in the face of global challenges. African actors and those of the BRICS Alliance can thus navigate this multipolar landscape by adopting a collaborative and united approach, to promote a fairer and more sustainable world.
What opportunities are available to them?
As mentioned above, African and BRICS actors have the opportunity to strengthen South-South cooperation and promote more equitable and sustainable development. They can create new markets and economic opportunities, share knowledge and experiences to respond to global challenges, and promote the reform of international institutions. This cooperation can also help develop joint projects in areas such as infrastructure, energy, technology and agriculture, and strengthen economic, political and cultural ties between African countries and members of the BRICS Alliance. This is how this cooperation can contribute to promoting peace, security and stability in the regions concerned, and to strengthening the representation of countries of the South in international institutions. This is a historic opportunity for African and BRICS actors to work together to, as noted above, create a more prosperous and sustainable future for their people.
In light of the above, we can deduce that the alliance between Pan-Africanism and the BRICS Alliance represents a historic opportunity for African countries and BRICS to strengthen their cooperation, promote their development and redefine their place in the order. global. This alliance helps create a space for South-South cooperation, where African and BRICS countries can share experiences, knowledge and resources to achieve common goals. It also offers an opportunity for African countries and the BRICS to promote a more equitable and sustainable development model, which takes into account the specificities and needs of the countries of the South. This alliance thus contributes to promoting peace, security and stability in the southern regions, by promoting conflict resolution and regional cooperation.
It can therefore be said that the marriage of Pan-Africanism to the BRICS Alliance is an important step towards a fairer, fairer and more sustainable multipolar world, where African countries and BRICS can play a larger and more influential role in the world order.